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2020 Hewes Redfisher 16 Owner's Manual
2020 Hewes Redfisher 16 Owner's Manual
2020 Hewes Redfisher 16 Owner's Manual.p
Adobe Acrobat Document 1.1 MB
2020 Hewes Redfisher 18 Owner's Manual
2020 Hewes Redfisher 18 Owner's Manual
2020 Hewes Redfisher 18 Owner's Manual.p
Adobe Acrobat Document 1.2 MB
2020 Hewes Redfisher 21 Owner's Manual
2020 Hewes Redfisher 21 Owner's Manual
2020 Hewes Redfisher 21 Owner's Manual.p
Adobe Acrobat Document 1.3 MB

HewesCraft Boat

History of HewesCraft Boats

Some HEWESCRAFT Boat User Manuals PDF above the page.


HewesCraft has been manufacturing aluminum boats in Colville, Washington for 60 years - longer than any other aluminum boat manufacturer on the US West Coast.


During this time, they tried to copy HewesCraft, but each time to no avail. Every HewesCraft boat hull is 100% welded aluminum.

Heavy bulkheads and box-type beams provide additional structural strength and durability.


The thick aluminum used in manufacturing is 10 times stronger than fiberglass and much more reliable than riveted bodies.


HewesCraft boats maintain excellent resale values for up to 20 years after purchase, while fiberglass and riveted boats do not stand the test of time, requiring frequent repair costs.


HewsCraft boats use Yamaha Outboard Engines.